Personal Narrative: My Journey to Literacy

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My achievement of becoming literate in both English and Spanish, after overcoming a myriad of obstacles distinguishes my literacy history. Writing was one of the things I didn’t like to do as a child. I always thought writing was a waste of time and that I wasn’t going to need it in life. Even though I didn’t invest much time writing, I was one of the best writers in all my classes, probably because I was very dedicated in the other subjects and I loved reading adventure books. I learned how to read and write by the age of four, since in my native country “the Dominican Republic”, kids are enrolled in school at the age of three; usually parents start their child’s education at home before that age.

I consider myself a very dedicated person, because even though I didn’t like writing, I did well at it by fighting against whatever was stopping me from liking it. As time passed I conceived that reading and writing is a combination of important tools that are essential for life, something that everyone needs to be successful. Once I realized how important reading and writing was, I started to feel a passion for writing poems, songs and stories.

At first, it wasn’t easy to write and appreciate my writing, because I used to compare my writing to professional writing, and the first thing that came to my mind was that my writing was horrible. Later on I started to view writing in a different perspective. This was when I realized that not everyone writes about the same thing, and that every writer has their own ideas and way of writing.

Finally after many years of practice I was able to write anything without problems; teachers used to congratulate me for my enormous improvements but always tried to persuade me to write in a certain ...

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...and English, it means a lot to me because it shows that all the effort I have put into becoming literate is not In vain because I am helping others succeed. Not only I use time to help others accomplish their goals, but I use it to accomplish mines too. My main goal when I was in high school was to get into UCF. By the middle of my senior year I made sure I had met all my requirements and applied. Around three months later I received a letter of acceptance, I was jumping of alacrity, I couldn’t believe I had just achieved the goal that I worked the most to accomplish, I used my ability to read and write to the fullest, and now my results rewarded me.

Today I am a conscientious young man, since actions are impacted by one’s level of literacy and determine how prosperous one can be. Behavior and education are complementary, since one is a reflection of the other.

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