Personal Essay: Vacation and Family Conflict

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My family and I are sitting on our front porch just soaking in the peaceful melody of the crickets chirping in the dark of night. Hearing the mellifluous chirp of the crickets is such a lovely feeling that soothes our souls. The silence of this night flashes me back to the summer of June 2009, when my parents decided to go on a family vacation to Bangladesh. At that time, I could remember feeling tremendously happy. As the wind blows softly through my hair, my thoughts shift and I recall the negative experience I encountered with my cousin. Contrary to popular belief, not all vacations conclude with happy memories. I was a freshman in high school when my parents announced that we were going to Bangladesh for our family vacation. I felt extremely excited because, finally, after ten years I was going to meet all of my family members in Bangladesh. I come from a Bengali background in which family bonds are upheld with the utmost importance. I was born in Bangladesh, but I came to America when I was five years old. Because of this, American culture has vastly influenced my life, and I have become estranged with Bengali culture. Before heading out for the flight, I remember my sensitive elder sister admonishing me to stay away from family arguments. As I ate breakfast, my sister began talking about what we call the “do's and don’ts.” Shahida, my sister, is a fun loving person who always looks out for her family members. That day, she began lecturing me, saying, “Shammi, don’t trust anyone and stay away from people who look suspicious to you.” I pondered, “Am I going on some kind of survival game show where I can’t trust anyone?” Shahida realized I was ignoring her. She continued talking anyway, presuming that she might catch my atten... ... middle of paper ... ...y up, considering that I was from America, and I didn’t know about anyone’s background before that summer. The truth was out when the whole family confronted Shaniya. Shaniya confessed that she might have spoken a few things here and there. As always, I learned my lesson the hard way. I got involved in an unnecessary situation. I should have kept my mouth shut and enjoyed my vacation, which was the only reason I was in Bangladesh in the first place. Now I know to always mind my own business. However, my intentions were pure, and I was not trying to create any misunderstanding and luckily for me, my family understood that. Shaniya later apologized to Runa, and all was mended among my family in Bangladesh. I’m glad my name was cleared, but next time I’ll try to stay away from conflict like this, especially during what's supposed to be a fun, relaxing family vacation.

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