The Importance Of Performance Appraisals

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One of the most important things about productivity is that it has to be measured. A company has to assess their human capital in terms of their goals and expectations. Every business needs to have some system or approach of determining how their employees are performing and what the company’s ROI is with respect to those employees. The organization and its employee’s performance need to be gauged to ensure that the business is heading in the right direction. The senior leaders have to know if they are meeting their organizational goals and objectives. If an organization if the be enhanced and grow, it need to be strategically managed to ensure that success is inevitable. When an organization measures performance it can stay on course with the progress of the business. Performance measurements provide critical data about what’s going on in business and employees. So there is a business benefit to performance measurements. Through performance measurement systems, a business can know how different facets of the organization are performing and the triggers that may bring about any changes in performance. …show more content…

Our organization has been using this approach to assess employees’ performance and provide them with constructive feedback as it pertains to present, past and future job performance that is expected of them. Some manager calls this process performance rating which is used for monetary promotion and identifying employee’s strengths and weaknesses. When conducting the performance appraisal, the appraiser takes the role as a mentor or coach. They are not judgmental, which make the process more comfortable and

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