Overview of Different Theories of Motivation

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Cherry, Kendra. (2013). Theories of Motivation: A closer look at some important theories of motivation. http://psychology.about.com/od/psychologytopics/tp/theories-of-motivation.htm The Incentive Theory of Motivation states that people do things, such as work because of the rewards that come with. For example, a child might help his grandmother clean in order to receive cookies. His motivation is the reward of the cookies. In the working world, people get rewarded by other rewards. Some of these rewards are salary, security, and health benefits. Taylor, F. W. (1964). Shop Management. In Scientific Management (Vol. 1, pp. 17-20). New York and London: Happy and Brothers Publishers. Retrieved April 17, 2014 This article provides excellent information about Frederick Winslow Taylor’s research on motivation and the science of management. It provides an interesting perspective on motivation through looking at management as a science. Frederick Winslow Taylor believed that naturally, people do not like to perform tasks and work and they need to be pushed. Workers also need to be controlled. Miner, B. John. (2005). Library of Congress Catalog-In-Publication Data. http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=kUO5NWwaySYC&oi=fnd&pg=PA61&dq=Frederick+Herzberg+motivation+hygiene&ots=UE9CujJmGJ&sig=F1v7olQGCGpeMVdG5AbYF6z6xEM#v=onepage&q&f=false One very important motivational theorist is Frederick Herzberg. Herzberg developed a motivational approach known as the Motivation Hygiene approach. This approach contains to hypothesis on how people are motivated to work. The Achievement Motivation Theory explains three motives that drive people to work harder. They are achievement, power, and affiliation. The only way an individual... ... middle of paper ... ....(2011). Principles of Business Management: A real World Approach. P. 275-293 Taylor, F. W. (1964). Shop Management. In Scientific Management (Vol. 1, pp. 17-20). New York and London: Happy and Brothers Publishers. Retrieved April 17, 2014 McGraw-Hills, . (2012). Business Management Boundless, . (n.d.). Expectancy Theory. In Boundless. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from https://www.boundless.com/management/organizational-behavior/process-and-motivation/expectancy-theory/ Adams, S. J., & Freedman, S. (1976). Equity Theory: Toward a General Theory of Social Interaction. In Experienced Social Psychology (Vol. 9, pp. 44-46). New York, NY: Academic Press Inc. Retrieved April 16, 2014, from http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=vxXx0d9euv8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA43&dq=equity+theory&ots=XFgWiiuQsJ&sig=f7dxRwEJW5i5cPN9Fh4H9YCx2_o#v=onepage&q=equity%20theory&f=false

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