Outsourcing Information Technology at Dayton Public Schools

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Outsourcing Information Technology at Dayton Public Schools

Cincinnati Bell Technology Solutions (CBTS) has engaged with the Dayton Public School District to provide Managed Information Technology Services (MITS) to the staff and students. CBTS has been a partner of DPS since June of 2000. The existing contract, initiated on May 8, 2005, is a seven year contract. The program is just ending the first two-year option or year five. Sharing the DPS vision has forged a partnership that we value and look forward to continuing. However, current economic conditions have resulted in the need to reduce human resources and still position the MITS program to be a viable option for the district.

The purpose of this case analysis is to provide a framework for making strategic marketing decisions by: 1) documenting the internal and external environment, 2) understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, 3) identifying the opportunity, 4) developing and evaluating alternatives, and 5) make a recommendation based on organizational strengths.

Situational Analysis

In order to make a good decision, it is important to understand the general environment and the environment of the industry.

External Environmental Analysis

The general environment.

The Dayton Public School District has lost millions of dollars due to a declining tax base, default on mortgages and taxes, and the exodus of major employers like NCR. In an effort to reduce costs to meet budgetary constraints, the core competency of teaching and learning has suffered. The district receives state and federal funding and in order to maintain those dollars, certain technologies must be provided to the students. “Outsourcing in school districts is driven by the ...

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...ort payroll, end of year and tax preparation. The IT resources that are required to support this department are the equivalent of two (2) fulltime employees. In order to provide the same level of support, the Office of the Treasurer will need to provide funding for the cost of these recourses.


The effect of these tough economic times has touched the lives of many. Dayton Public Schools cannot receive the same level of service with fewer resources. However, the Department of Information Technology can survive the budget reductions by seeking funding outside the normal channels and reach out to other stakeholders for financial assistance.

Works Cited

Dayton Public Schools Managed IT Services Contract. RFP Nol. 04-009. (2004).

Dickinson, R. (2000). Outsourcing in K-Through-12 Education. Gartner.

Retrieved from http://www.ponitzctc.org/.

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