Organizational Power Discourse Analysis And Linkage

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This essay offers an example to organizational power discourse analysis and linkages. In this context and as Alvesson and Karreman (2000: 1132) states, the term discourse is popular and can be used in various ways as well as in different contexts, one of which is social studies.
For any business to realise its goals, it must be led by a set of goals which guide the management on the desirable direction for the business. To realize this, the business must have a favourable environment coupled with the right business strategy. The right business language must also be applied or utilized in order to make the business environment to thrive. With the continued research on the importance of management in the business, it is important that organizations strategize on how to capitalize on strategic management while at the same time exercise caution so as to avoid any negative impacts. This essay strives to provide an understanding on the discourses of strategic management, politics and power on the business environment which is all combined to illustrate what business management …show more content…

However, according to Wooffitt (2006: 23), strategic management is a process that involves management of strategic pathways and goals mixes that define the organizational goals and paths that lead to such goals.
As illustrated by Finlay (2000: 18) in the formal definitions in 1.8 (5), the recipe for strategic management comprises of; a strategy, policies and plans, goals, pathways and strategies. On the other hand, there are factors such as the rise in technological use in business and globalization that have in many ways the old methods of doing business. Additionally, these phenomena have changed how organizations create value and communicate

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