The Next Generation of Storytelling

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Storytelling has been mankind’s most broad and universal occupation since its conception and has come a long way, developing new techniques and expanding in multiple domains. It can be considered an ancient form of art because it is crucial for human expression. Every culture has made a contribution to the narration of stories in various fields, such as, entertainment, literature, education, the media and so forth, with the purpose of conveying an important message, or purely to entertain. One entertainment medium which has been disregarded over the course of the years is the video games industry. Over the last few years, this industry has developed into one of the most complex branches in entertainment and has gained a great number of followers who support these products. Video games have evolved on such a large scope from all perspectives that they will have the possibility to match or even surpass the more traditional means of telling stories in the future, such as books or movies. One close look at video games from recent years and it is clear that they have come a long way since the ‘1970s and ‘1980s when the main focus was on shooting pixelated invaders or creating straight lines by shaping together geometric figures, with no dialogue or developed characters. Although stories were not essential during that period because developers were technologically limited and could not present a well-defined story, game creators did manage to bring to life –to a certain extent- fictional universes with detailed backgrounds and lore. Nevertheless, there were outstanding exceptions, which managed to absorb the player into the game, thanks to its well-crafted story and characters, combined with the simple mechanic of “point and click”. ... ... middle of paper ... ... more intimate and profound experience, as the plot’s progression depends on the player’s skills. Observing recent video games, it is obvious that they are becoming closer to creating their specific method of telling stories by making the audience implicated in the narrative like never before in the industry, or like in other traditional forms of narrative. By adding innovative game mechanics, the developers are close to making the players feel even more involved in the story, participating directly in it or even shaping it according to their own desires and dreams. The experience of the audience is also influenced by the degree of immersion, although not all video games call for this element. Immersion is important in video games that focus on story, characters and the world they inhabit, because it allows the player to be engulfed in that fictional universe.

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