The Nervous System and Alzheimer’s Disease

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The Nervous System is one of the most important and complex system in the human body, because it works as the main control center. It regulates the sensory, integrative and motor function of the body. Everything we do, feel or think is directly linked to the Nervous System. An error in any of these functions could bring negatives consequences such as degenerative diseases later in life.

The Nervous System can be divided into two different categories, the central nervous system (CNS), and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS is made up of the brain and spinal cord, and the PNS is made up of the rest of the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. The major functions of the nervous system are sensory, integrative and motor function. The sensory function of the nervous system receives sensory receptors by detecting changes inside and outside of the body. The integrative function processes the information. Motor nerves convey information from the CNS to the body, and make the necessary response (Herlihy & Macbius, 2000).

The nervous system is composed of two tissue cells: neurons, which allow the functioning of reaction to physical and chemical changes that may occur through the lifespan, and the neuroglia cells, that give support and protection to neurons (Herlihy & Macbius, 2000). In order to better understand how the nervous system works, it is essential to know how neurons work, since they are the most important tools for transmitting information.

All neurons have a cell body containing: the nucleus which is important for the cell life. Another part of neurons include dendrites, which receive information from other neurons. Below the dendrites is the axon, and its major function is to send...

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...t is to increase or maintain their quality of life for as long as possible, keeping the patient engaged in areas of occupation by measuring involvement in work, leisure, and activities of daily living (Schaber, P, 2010).

Works Cited

Alzheimer’s Association. (2011). Retrieved October 2,2011,

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Herlihy, B., & Macbius, N.K. (2000). The human body in health and Illness. Philadelphia,

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Johnson, S.A. (2009). Retrieved October 2, 2011,

Schaber, P. (2010). Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders. Montgomery Lane:

The America Occupational therapy association, Inc.

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