Understanding My ISFJ Personality Type: An Analysis

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The Myers-Briggs Type indicator is an instrument designed to measure the elements of Jungian personality theory and makes the theory of psychological type both understandable and highly practical by helping individuals identify their preferences in four areas. According to the MBTI, I have a moderate preference for Introversion, a clear preference for Sensing, a slight preference for Feeling, and a clear preference for Judging (ISFJ). In general, ISFJs are sympathetic, loyal, considerate, conscientious, and will go through any amount of trouble to help those in need (Hirsh&Kummerow,1989). According to Carl Jung, everyone has some degree of both introversion and extraversion, but people often tend to lean one way or another (Cherry,2012). People who are introverted tend to focus on the inner world, ideas, concepts, and be reflective. I have a moderate preference for Introversion because when I am at home, school or around unfamiliar people, I tend to be shy, reserved, and will always think twice before saying something. It is only a moderate preference because when I am at work, I am forced to be an extrovert and step outside my comfort zone. It is very important to keep in mind that in most real-life situations, we are not dealing with …show more content…

I like to have things settled and organized because it acts as a motivator to accomplish all of the things necessary. Also, I feel more comfortable when decisions are made so we can just move on and forget about them. ISFJs tend to organize around their values. I will often set my priorities in terms of the people that are most important to me and do what is required to serve my key values (Hirsh&Kummerow,1989). By having feeling judgment as the dominant mental process, I tend to direct my life toward human values, harmony, and tend to be more alert to the human issues in any situation

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