Personal Statement: My Semester As A Teaching Assistant

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My semester as a Teaching Assistant was one of my outstanding accomplishments. This was a new position open for the first time to undergraduates; and the professors’ selection was based on overall performance where I exhibited a prodigious work ethic. The professors felt I was dependable and hardworking since they observed that I paid attention, took notes, asked questions, and satisfactorily completed papers and exams. These actions plus completion of extra credit work such as participating in a study observing red wolves in the wild for a weekend, showed that I excelled to be the best and that I wanted to learn everything they were teaching. A panel of professors reviewed my application with the final decision being made by the incoming professor, who had limited eyesight. The professor could read papers up close, but having a Teaching Assistant enabled her to effectively be the professor. I ensured suitable …show more content…

I also feel this course of study will satisfy my yearning for a clearer understanding of the thought processes of the past as the literature of the nineteenth century signifies a history portal. My university experience has taught the importance of listening to different viewpoints, and so, with top-notch professors and my peers, I can explore these and reach another level of learning. This will benefit me not only by expanding my knowledge, but by helping shape myself as a person; and, consequently, I will benefit the university by becoming a key player in research. I appreciate discovering new information, and if given the opportunity, I will dig through books and papers to unveil information beneficial for understanding literature. I also will benefit the university by passing on my positive experience; I will share my fantastic university

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