The Importance Of My Relationship

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My relationship with my younger sister, Riya, has been filled with conflict and has presented challenges ever since we (Parents and I) made the decision, that she live with me while she finished her undergraduate. Our relationship before her moving to U.S. was that of most siblings that age, a caring loving relationship that often led to arguments about trivial things. But over the past year, I have recognized that my motivation towards her and our relationship has changed because now I feel directly responsible for her well-being and the relationship often feels paternalistic. Most challenging part of our “new” relationship, especially from my perspective, has been lack of clear and honest communication. Lack of clear communication contributes and often amplifies the issue that is preventing her to achieve her goal. Which consequently frustrates me because of my inability to effectively help her with her issues. Lack of communication is often the source of our conflict, but I feel most frustrated when my advice is ignored or when it’s not appreciated. For instance, her goal last year was to be admitted into …show more content…

The analysis in a way depicts my behavior (B-[G-R]) with Riya that I was quick to offer my help when confronted with an issue. But when she decided to not accept my help, I quickly gave up on the situation. Rather than reengage have her reconsider the officer, I removed myself from the situation because I felt my advice was either not considered or dismissed too quickly. One of my primary strengths as Blue-Red MVS (Assertive – Nurturing) that I was not able to use during the conflict was my ability to persuade her to meet someone who could have guided her in the right direction. I think, the outcome would have been drastically different if I had convinced her to take up on my

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