Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Research Paper

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Personal Philosophy of Nursing Why does one choose a career in nursing? There are usually several reason one may choose to become a nurse; however, nursing is one of those professions that often chooses the person rather than the other way around. Nursing is a calling, a mission, and a life’s work. It is a culmination of compassion, service, knowledge, teamwork, integrity, and perseverance. While it is true that one may receive the title “Registered Nurse” by going to school and passing an exam, this author believes nursing is something that lives inside a person; it is an inherent desire to heal, protect, advocate, and serve. In order to serve patients most effectively, one must look introspectively and determine what one believes about nursing. Additionally, one must compare and contrast one’s beliefs with the organization in which one works. This evaluation embraces all four components of the metaparadigm of nursing – person, health, environment, and nursing. Furthermore, the philosophy evaluates one’s beliefs on the pursuit of higher knowledge. Finally, once a personal philosophy is established, it guides a nurse’s daily actions and aid in providing exceptional, expertly delivered nursing care. The following …show more content…

This is because nurses practice with accountability and responsibility. Nurses are trustworthy and have integrity. Accountability and responsibility are of the utmost importance in nursing practice and can often mean the difference between life and death of a patient. Furthermore, nurses need to be accountable not only to patients, but also to each other and to themselves. We cannot be afraid to speak up for what is right and voice concerns about a situation that makes us uncomfortable. Nurses should trust their instincts – if it does not feel right, it probably is not right. It is better to say something and be wrong than to stay silent and allow a patient or coworker to be

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