My Experience With My Mom

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My background is Italian but I was born in America so I am pretty Americanized. But that doesn’t mean my Italian roots don’t show from time to time. My daily life is actually influenced a lot more then I originally thought by being Italian. For example, my mom is constantly cooking these gigantic meals that would make all my friends want to live at my house. Even when I was younger I my mom would make all these great meals ranging from chicken to different types of pasta. I would always bring these foods to lunch in school and not a day went by that I wasn’t asked to trade lunches. Of course I never did though because I loved my moms home cooked meals. Since I have always had these meals as a child you could say I’ve been a little fascinated by how they are prepared. So naturally I asked my mom to teach me and I have incorporated it in my life style ever since. By life style I do mean a pretty active one. I do like to remain physical so being able to make these home cooked Italian meals the healthy way has benefited me greatly. I can weigh out and prepare all my foods exac...

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