Essay On My Laboratory Experience

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This statement if for the MU PREP program to further elaborate on my laboratory experiences.
My very first laboratory experience was with Dr. Rolf Joerger at the University of Delaware’s Townsend Hall food microbiology laboratory through the Nation Science Foundation - EPSCoR Progrram, there I also helped out some other principle investigators around the department occasionally as need. I came in, in the midst of ongoing research pertaining to the acid tolerance resistance of salmonella serovors associated with food borne illness and contamination in the food industry.
We investigated a conservative portion of salmonella’s chromosome that possessed similar homology with E.coli’s chromosome that entailed a genomic region referred to as the …show more content…

At which we conduct research inspecting the microbial loads of fresh produce items (Lettuce heads, and tomatoes) from different areas of demographics within Tallahassee. Using statistical analysis of the total plate counts, we confirmed that there was no significant contamination difference between locations. This occurred during the Fall 14’ Spring 15’ academic semester, I was also TA and help with labs classes and various odds and ends. And minutely, I independently worked on cellular cultures of Agaricus bisporus mycelium in vitro curtsey of …show more content…

The first obstacle being the actual generation of the L.m. biofilms. With ample amounts of literature review and assistance we managed to merge multiple facets of different articles to develop a protocol that produced biofilms. Afterwards, the problem of quantifying the formation of biofilm plagued my project. I was using Crystal-Violet and colorimetric assays in attempt to quantify the biofilms but, unfortunately this reagent imparted too much error in our results due to undifferentiating between viable and non-viable cells. I then proposed we use a flurometric assay that would further confirm the viability and activity of biofilm. Using his prior experiences with flurometric techniques Dr. Rolf suggested we use the reagent resazurin. To summarize the protocol the starter cells were incubated overnight then diluted into microtiter plates where they were left to adhere to well wall at specified times depending on sample, next inoculated microtiter plates underwent a series of washes with PBS buffer to remove free living cells and unattached cells, followed by air drying and staining with resazurin, lastly measurements were taken at 30 minute increments for a total of two hours at the corresponding wavelengths to quantify activity of resazurin, this was performed at 48hr, 72hr , 96hr, various culturing time

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