The Importance Of Moral Life

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I was raised as a Catholic and always looked at morality as values and vice versa. I never truly made a distinction between the two until I was older and had to help my own children differentiate between the two. I grew up feeling that if I was kind and truthful, I was a person with strong values, but as I have aged, my thoughts on being moral and what it means have changed. To me now, values are having ideas of what is important to me or not. I value a friend ship or I do not value it. Where morality is the guidelines or rules about how I chose to live my life and I choose the morals that are guided by my Catholic faith. I know that God has given me free will to make choices that can be morally correct and align with God’s plan for me or I can use my free will to make choices that might be morally wrong and lead me in a path further from God. In the book The Tem Commandments, Eileen P. Flynn states that morality is “knowledge based on human experience, reason, and God’s revelation that discovers what we ought to be and what we ought to do to live fully human lives” (Flynn, 2010, p. …show more content…

Living a moral life can be a challenge for anyone and for me that challenge includes working in a Catholic school where poor choices can be made even though we strive to provide a morally sound environment with strong Catholic values. I have worked in both private and public education systems and I have found the same challenges in both systems, but I feel strongly that in a Catholic school, it is somehow easier to remind yourself to keep your moral compass facing toward God. I sometimes feel a self-inflicted pressure to stick to the “moral high ground” in my job and I often think that it shouldn’t be this difficult. It should be more natural or automatic, similar to putting a seat belt on when you get into a

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