Argumentative Essay On Medical Marijuana

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Marijuana is generally referred to with a negative connotation identified as a recreational street drug, but that is not always the case. Medical marijuana is favorable treatment because it acts as an: anti-nauseate, appetite stimulant, anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immune system modulator, anxiolytic, anti-depressant, and a harm reducer. Marijuana is not a drug that should be messed with unless authorized by a doctor. A speaker, paralyzed from the waist down was intoxicated when waterskiing at the age of 23 and spoke to an audience of 6th and 7th graders about the dangers of marijuana. He started his presentation with explaining that marijuana can lead to other addictions such as cocaine, methamphetamine and …show more content…

a small amount of Americans want the legalization of marijuana as a recreational use, under controlled circumstances, such as alcohol. Only two states in the U.S. have legalized the drug for recreational purposes. Very few state in the U.S. have allowed the use of medical marijuana but those that do have programs to differentiate the patients from dealers and criminals. In order to receive a medical marijuana card one must search their state’s medical marijuana program and register as a new patient items required when registering are a passport style photograph of you against a white solid background such as a wall, no glasses or hat are permissible. This photograph will be used for your identification card, a government issued photo ID proof of residency: utility bill, tax bill, credit card bill, bank statement, or any document issued from the IRS, proof of government assistance and the registration fee for your identification card, $200. If you are eligible for the accepted government assistance programs, the identification card will be $20. An anti-nauseate and appetite stimulant, one of the benefits of medical marijuana, is the longest established and most familiar benefit known to help cancer patient, people with AIDS and HIV, and hepatitis C patients. Medical marijuana suppresses nausea, stimulates appetite, and treats anorexia. The drug is used with cancer patients, specifically those connected with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The side effects of chemotherapy cause patients to suffer hours of gut wrenching vomiting with “dry heaves” so severe s to a result in broken bones. Chemotherapy patients are also too sick to swallow pill making it difficult for them to take the prescribed medication that goes along with therapy. Because marijuana takes effect, faster and is easier to control the dosage, it is the best solution in helping the patients. Marijuana’s benefit to stimulate appetite causes users to eat more and keep their food down;

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