Ignorance Vs Exposure: Influence on Health and Happiness

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In today’s society, a lot of what we are exposed to in the media contains bias, resulting in not entirely accurate information. We can choose what we want to believe ignoring certain facts, which could affect the way we live regarding health and happiness. Ignorance is not “bliss”, but can have a negative impact on our health if we choose to ignore what is happening in the world around us. No matter how much you try to silence your surroundings, your culture, what you identify with, and your habits, will all speak for themself. Silence is the loudest of them all. Pure Exposure Travelling to North Carolina was our family 's first big trip anywhere. I was seven years at the time, my brother ten years old, and my sister only one year old. …show more content…

We thought the barf bags were the coolest thing ever. My parents were focused on getting there safely with everything in order and doing their best to keep my baby sister quiet on the plane. I asked my parents if they were worried at all about my brother and I swimming in the ocean. They agreed that neither of them were worried. “California has a lot of pollution and sewage in the ocean at the time”. “That ocean is so big it would take a lot of pollutants to make us worried about it. Lots of families were on the beach in Wilmington and Myrtle Beach area where we also went for a day” my mom said . “You and Joe noticed how salty the water was” she also mentioned. One day at the beach there was a dead, deformed looking creature washed up on shore. My dad told my brother and I to stay away from it. Growing up I really liked to eat tuna, but my dad said I could only have it once a week at the most because of the mercury in it. I follow that rule of his still to this …show more content…

He is a very loving man and happy majority of the time. But when he is mad, he gets mad. Not only is it in my father, but my Uncle who happens to be his twin brother. I also see it in my brother and my cousin. It is most prominent in my Grandpa. I don’t know why some old men can be so crabby, but goodness can they be. This is my theory: The Johnson theory, that no man can get as mad as a Johnson man can in terms of raising one 's voice. My (female) cousins have also talked about this as well, so I’m not in on this alone. When I was younger, I “dealt” with this my avoiding getting in trouble with my father. I don’t like it when people express their anger in terms of yelling. It does no good. I now know, it is something I avoid when seeking any relationship. As for habits, I have developed one I shall thank my mom for. I like to think I have an internal agenda in my brain. My dad could never remember any events of things coming up such as picking us up for school, or what he’s supposed to cook for supper. So my mom was constantly writing him notes as reminders, and still to this day. This has instilled in me a weekly and monthly schedule in my head. I often forget to use my planner because I don’t really have a problem remembering when different events and due dates are. I slip up sometimes, but usually I can stay right on track. Even in high school, I had all my

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