Research Paper On Ignorance

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Ignorant or “lacking in knowledge or training”. Todays world values intelligence and equates the world ignorant with stupidity. They believe that if someone is not academically intelligent they are automatically ignorant. Ignorant is a word that is ambiguous to different people and cultures but is not solely based of how much academic knowledge someone has. I believe it depends on how they understand their surroundings, the world, if they take advantage of opportunities given to them, and how they analyze a situation. Being ignorant is having an opportunity to learn and choosing not to, being ignorant is not the same thing as being limited in knowledge. Ignorance is a broad term and to call someone ignorant, you should fully understand its meaning. There is ignorance and what people perceive to be ignorance. People perceive that if someone does’t have the same level of intelligence that they are ignorant. It is highly unlikely for …show more content…

Ignorance is chosen, as stated by Aldous Huxley when he said “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.’’ Racism is one type of ignorance. Racism is the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. Racism is ignorant because it is not accepting someone based off the color of there skin without knowing the real person or being bias toward someone. Another type of ignorance is being a homophobe which is having negative feelings toward people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. In the definition of homophobe it says the word “perceived” which is going off how something looks, not knowing if something is true. Being a homophobe is judging them anyways based off what they look like, dress like or act

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