Ignorance Is Bliss Research Paper

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“Ignorance is bliss”. The English poet who said this was definitely not a marketer. For all we know, “Consumer awareness” is probably the most important part of marketing. In the era of digital marketing and social media, creating a buzz is the utmost priority of a marketer. But, is creating a buzz enough? New generation marketers say Yes. How?

Connect between these 4 images will give you the answer. Popularity, 4 brands shown here are a huge success in this digital world. But one more similarity and perhaps the important one which will give us the answer is, Polarization. These brands, movie & celebrity (sadly it IS a movie and sadly he IS a celebrity) have a huge amount of positive and negative buzz. E.g. According to a HBR study, 33% of people Love McDonald’s and 29% hate it. Similarly, 30% love Starbucks and 23% hate it. What is important to note here is that the difference between brand lovers and brand haters is not much and they are almost comparable. This phenomenon is Polarization. A metric, Brand Dispersion has been defined to measure Polarization and use it to survive...

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