The Importance Of Math In The Classroom

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Over the course of a semester, I have observed the involvement of mathematics not only in the classroom but throughout the school community. Throughout this paper, I will develop a deeper understanding of my notes and describe how math is involved in the school from day to day, and overall. Math is taught day to day, but math is much more than addition and subtraction. Math begins with instilling a love for math in your students and getting them excited to immerse themselves in the math environment. Math is all around us and we need to acknowledge and create a math world for our students.

Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge: Classroom and School Environment

The layout of my classroom includes: A math group chart, a “good things mathematicians …show more content…

However, I do know the pros and cons of using technology in the classroom. Some of the pros are, students are able to complete tests and assessments online and that makes it easier for teachers to keep students’ progress up to date. You as the teacher, are allowed to use countless resources and students can also find appropriate resources to supplement the lesson. One widely known con of having technology in the classroom is that it is a major distraction to students during the lesson, some students can 't pay attention to a lesson while having an IPad in their hand, or on the computer. Another con to having technology in the classroom is there is no real way to monitor whether students are focusing on their work or are …show more content…

She loves seeing the way students react when they get something correct or their dedication when they cannot get something correct. She believes the role of the student is to challenge the teacher respectfully and ask questions, and to learn all that they can from her. Students are supposed to use their teacher to their fullest power because we are there to help. Students should pay attention to the entirety of the math lesson and be able to explain it in their own

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