Living An Authentic Christian Life

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The term Christian, literally meaning little Christ, should clearly express to every believer their ultimate goal. Everything a believer says, does and strives for should be unmistakably in line with the words, actions and goals of Jesus, as they daily strive to become more and more like Him. In order for this to happen there are two detrimental aspects that need to be considered. Character and service are two key ingredients in the life of one alive in Christ that go hand in hand as described in Romans 12. The believer’s new identity needs to continually transform their character to that of Christ, and their actions must identify them as servants of the King.
I. Christian Character

Theological Definition

The character of a Christian is multifaceted and extremely important. Outwardly, a Christian’s character is the visible witness that expresses who Jesus is to the individual, and the difference He has made in their lives. Thus it is imperative that a correct reflection of God be portrayed by the believer with authentic Christ-like character. Character is not only an external expression. D.L. Moody said "Character is what you are in the dark." Inwardly, a growing Christian character identifies a healthy, maturing relationship with Jesus. It is the ongoing sanctification of the believer that is the proof of the justification that God dons on every believer upon the acceptance of Christ. It is in fact, the` process of sanctification that requires intentional diligent effort on the part of every believer.

Biblical Foundation

The Word of God is a Christian’s final authority for every aspect of their lives, so when it comes to questions of character, one needs only look to the Bible (2 Peter 1:3). The more one seeks to ...

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...hey walk their talk and portray God’s love in all things, people see Christ through the very life of a believer and are drawn to His Truth. A Christian must overflow the love of Christ for others. That overflow of love will always be seen in service as believers seek to bring others to the saving knowledge of Jesus.

Works Cited

Haskell, Jamie “The Gospel Message” Unpublished, 2013.

Pink, Arthur. “Christian Service.” gracegems. February 09, 2014. Accessed February 11, 2014.

Spurgeon, Charles. “If Hell Must Be Filled.” gracegems. February 11, 2014. Accessed February 11, 2014.
Stoll, John. “Biblical Principles for Christian Maturity.” Leaderu. February 11, 2014. Accessed February 11, 2014.

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