Religion Essay

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Religion, in many forms, has had the most profound influence on human society throughout history. It’s been the basis for many human traditions, value systems, and conflict throughout the history of human civilization. Understanding religious traditions, relationships, and foundational beliefs enables humans to understand their differences and better prepare themselves to make decisions regarding religious interactions in the appropriate context. Religions are considered to be reliable and important in answering the most profound questions of human existence; where do we come from? What should we do while we are here? Since religion is so important so are the holy texts, because they put into words/ writing of guideline of what that religion is all about. In this essay I will attempt to explore and discuss a passage from Gospel of Luke 10:25-37 “The Good Samaritan” and “Surah Ar Rahman” from 55th Sura of the Qur'an and their relation to that particular religion. “No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he’d only had good intentions – he had money too.” Margaret Thatcher Firstly, The Good Samaritan was not an actual historical figure; he was a fictional man in a story that Jesus told to a religious legalist who was trying to justify his unwillingness to walk the walk. It story showed that the Priest and Levite did not love their neighbour as the Samaritan did, so the only one who was a neighbour to the wounded man was the Samaritan. Clearly, the message Jesus was trying to communicate was that "Love your neighbour as yourself" which means to show mercy and kindness to everyone we you come across. This passage reflects what Christianity care teachings “taught by Jesus” are to good by everyone, which can be observed i... ... middle of paper ... of Allah. However, god protect the writing of Quran but humans still possess free will and it mean they change or twist the “MEANING” of the words in their own languages to suit their agendas. And because of that there are many sects in Islam today but they all have the same Quran. In Conclusion, these passages from two different religions contain message and clues to questions regarding human existence. I can quote the whole scripture and recite Quran word-to-word, but unless we are willing to get involved and change, we are only blowing smoke. Yet, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Buddhists, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, the poor, the homeless, the unattractive, gays, lesbians, the handicapped, the mentally ill, and countless other groups are still sometimes the victims of ridicule, hatred and discrimination.

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