Analysis Of Little Girls Or Little Women: The Disney Princess Effect

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In “Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect,” Stephanie Hanes covers the sexualization of young girls and women in every aspect of the media that influences children and teens. She explains that girls see media figures, movies, and sports being sexualized, and how this is causing children to associate looking and acting a certain way to being ‘the perfect women’. Hanes believes the hypersexualized media is causing girls to obtain a negative body image and it’s killing their self-esteem. The author proposes what she believes society should do about overcoming this obstacle, and how people can crush the stereotypes about women; to her everyone is responsible and should aid in fixing these problems. She explains that the media …show more content…

A longitudinal study was conducted on this trend called “Changes in Sport and Physical Activity Participated for Adolescent Females” by Rochelle M Eime et., it concluded, “There was a clear trend over time of decreases in competitive sport, and more specifically club sports participation” (2). Also, that “Female adolescents are consistently reported as being less physically active than their male peers” (5). These statements prove that girls are losing interest in sports as they age, but why are they losing interest? They lose interest in competitive sports for many reasons and they vary between each girl. Hanes claims the reason is a result of sexualized sports media by explaining, “Star female athletes regularly pose naked or semi-naked for men’s magazines; girls see cheerleaders (with increasingly sexualized routines) on TV far more than female basketball players or other athletes” (511). This is why young girls struggle with enjoying sports as they age, they are continuously told their bodies aren’t good or sexy enough. Girls at this point are already struggling with their body image, so when a role model for their sport of choice is looking sexy and perfect in a magazine it makes them question whether or not they should look like that too. This is a result of young girls constantly comparing themselves to those they look up

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