Language: The Four Roles Of Language And Its Effective Language

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Language was created by humans and it has been around for more than one hundred thousand years. Language is a complex system of communication. Because language is greatly adaptive and flexible, it would constantly evolve and changing through time. Despite the fact that Language has multiple functions, they all serve one purpose. To make the expression of one’s idea, thought and feeling. Specifically, language has four functions. They are expressive, informative, directive and survival key. The first use of language is defined as expressive, it allows people to express how they feel. It is a combination of multiple form of languages. Here an example, Tom’s face was cheerless, when he stared at the rain through the window. “Today …show more content…

Informative language aims to inform readers an actual piece of information, something that is useful and true. For instance, when somebody says : “July 4th is Independence Day”, this person has used language informatively, as he was citing the fact that the date July 4th is National Day of the United States and probably informing someone about the date. Informative language is generally used everywhere. More specifically, in school, university, and law enforcement. Such as, “students are not permitted to use cell phones or electronic devices during examination” professor stated. In this case the professor warned that cell phone are prohibited during the test. when using informative language effectively, it would help delivering information and pointing out the issue in conversation. In our society, informative function is fundamental. Because having informative language in context would create logical order, maintain belief and expand knowledge. As mentioned, informative language allows teachers to give lecture and help police to enforce the law. The street signs are informative language, so are the books in the library. Culture has also served as informative language. When a person expresses their culture by displaying clothes, belief, art, norm and language. They are in the process of introducing and sharing their

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