Kung Fu Panda: A Review

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Is Kung Fu Panda a definite winner? Well, I’m afraid not for its core ideas - they aren’t exactly a breathe of fresh air on the American “Family Movie” scene. But purely for incredible animation and good, simple FUN, Kung Fu Panda is most certainly in the Top 1! Yet, even with a star- studded cast (Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan) and stunning animation, I’m not quite sure it lives up to the hype….

For a start, the basic plot of this movie is pretty much the same as every other family film to be released this decade; the unlikely hero, believe in yourself, follow your dreams, etc, etc.

The comedy is also rather basic, the sort of humour that is based on running into walls and falling over, although, it has to be said that writers Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger have managed to write some truly funny scenes. For example, the fight over the dumplings between Shifu and Po for fantastic surreality. Or, the scene with Po’s rocket chair creation that has a promising and funny start, even if the conclusion is completely predicable.

The jokes are the kind tha...

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