The Benefits Of Nursing As A Nursing Career

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Since nursing is a well-known job, several job openings are everywhere. In most small cities the job postings are low; however, in large cities job postings are quite high. California 's “average nursing salary for job postings are 7% higher than average nursing salaries for job postings nationwide, with job openings at Kaiser Permanente and Cross Country TravCorps” (Wilson). California ranks eighth in the average salary across the country; however, Mississippi is a close contender with the ranking of ninth. Mississippi 's “average salaries for job postings are 4% higher than the average, nationwide” (Wilson). A person with an interest in nursing should know “Parallon Workforce Solutions and Fresenius Medical Care have job openings in Mississippi” (Wilson). With California having the highest percentage and ranking out of Mississippi, Alabama has the lowest of both Mississippi and California. “Alabama ranks twelfth and is only 1% higher than average salaries for job postings nationwide” (Wilson). Although Alabama has only 1% of job postings nationwide “Baptist Healthcare of Alabama and UAB Medicine have job openings” (Wilson). Several people wonder the duties of a nurse, but do not understand the benefits behind …show more content…

As the nursing career is expected to grow, several job openings are expected in the next ten years. These several job openings will increase job security. Also, their career has flexible schedules. Basically meaning a nurse “can constantly rotate what days he or she works or just set a schedule so he or she may have a four day weekend” (1 Registered). Because nurses manage patients on a daily basis treating and diagnosing, they are rewarded mentally and at times physically. “People are constantly thankful and truly realize the impact of a nurse” (1

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