Issues With The Education System Essay

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Issues with the Education System
The education system in the United States lacks effectiveness. In fact, the United States is ranked 17th globally in education. Considering that the U.S. is one of the richest and most powerful countries on the planet, the low education ranking is unacceptable. However, the United States government has only itself to blame for the terrible education system. Tragically, the issues with our education system is not a quick fix problem. Three factors contribute to our horrid educational system: high stakes testing, poverty, and funding.
High stakes testing is the most damaging practice. Due to high stakes testing, teachers are forced to focus less on promoting knowledge …show more content…

Budget cuts have created a tremendous amount of difficulty in providing education systems with the financial support needed to help students succeed. Less funding means smaller staffs, fewer resources, and a lower number of services for students. Often, exceptionally skilled teachers won’t accept positions in school districts that do not pay well. One of the copious negatives caused by a lack of funding is the insufficient supply of student resources. Public schools that receive significantly less funding cannot provide students with resources such as up to date textbooks, technology, and other up-to-date learning materials. This lack of funding can also affect the students on an emotional level. Many students aren 't motivated to learn, regardless of their situation. So when presented with bad teachers and poor resources even the gifted students begin to distinguish education as a chore and not a means to a successful future. It is as Bill Gates was once quoted saying,”I went to public school through sixth grade, and being good at tests wasn 't cool.” Imagine if Bill Gates had given up, perhaps the world would have never have profited from the technology he developed and the philanthropic contributions he has made. When teachers teach students, rather than tests, they are essentially investing their effort in the future of the United States, so why can’t we apply as many resources as possible to the people and systems that play a huge role in ensuring a bright future for our

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