Marx And Max Weber: Is Equality Making USck

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If I were to tell you that based on your economic standpoint in life that that in its self could help determine the future of your health, would you believe me or call me absurd? A recent documentary called “Is Equality Making Us Sick” takes a strong argument to show that the life you grow up in or even build for yourself can determine such a factor that seems only fitting for God to decide. This factor is called social determinants of health, meaning that based on your access to income and education this will help determine your life span (UNNATURAL CAUSES). Social, as well as income inequality will be what puts you on your death bed and is a matter that shall not be taken lightly.
So, how is it in a country as flourished as The United States …show more content…

Social stratification is commonly referred with the theorists Karl Marx and Max Weber. Though both of their theories are similar, the issue that we face today presents a more accurate representation with Weber I believe. Weber unlike Marx believes that class divisions derive not only from control or lack of control with the means of production but from people’s skills, credentials, and/or qualifications (Essentials to Sociology). To an individual this can mean all the difference. “Workers seek higher wages, and see this as the goal of their struggle,” (Shortell) which proposes the next question: how do we achieve a higher …show more content…

Without an education, there is little to no jobs for a person to survive by. This does not mean that if you do not have an education that it will lead you straight to poverty but the statistic are staggeringly high. According to, “a high percentage of young adults (31%) without a high school diploma live in poverty…” Those that do earn a college degree on average will earn $20,000 more a year as a result of gotten that degree (Essentials to Sociology). This correlates back to your health. On average, you will live 2.5 years longer due to your college degree (UNNATURAL CAUSES). If our solution to a well income is a college degree then why aren’t more people getting them? The answer to that isn’t “why not send everyone to college” but what is stopping them to get there. College cost money and to the people living in poverty, most are living pay check to pay check just to feed their families. They are in a constant loop that does not give what sociologists call intragenerational mobility. Intragenerational mobility is the movement up or down a social stratification hierarchy within the course of a personal career. That being said, the reality for a person to have an increase in inflation within his or hers career is not very likely within today’s poverty line. Take in example Corey Anderson from the

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