Marx And Weber's Theory Of Social Mistutiation

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and the opportunities of income, and (3) the casual component is represented under the condition of the commodity or about market (‘class situations’)” (p.138). Ritizi-Messner et al., (2010) acknowledges that the mode of distribution is according to the law of marginal utility, which not include the non-wealth from competing for high valued goods and give the owners the monopoly of the acquired goods. The mode of distribution monopolizes on the opportunities of profitable deal for those who provided good that are not exchange to them. Therefore, the mode of distribution gives monopoly to the transferring property from the circle of wealth to the capital. Class situtiation is the market situation with property and lack of property as two categories. …show more content…

Clark and Lipset (1991) explain that looking at class theories that has been a lot of change in class and it has altered the concept of class toward the fragmentation of stratification. Clark and Lipset (1991) further explains that changes have occurred since Marx and Weber write their view on social stratification and it went into high gear since 1970s. Clark and Lipset (1991) acknowledge a change for the theories of stratification is that traditional hierarchies is declining and economic and family hierarchies is less than generation or two ago. Clark and Lipset (1991) explains that class conflict declines, there would be less conflict or organized lines, for instance gender. However, not all hierarchies are generating counter-reactions and there is an acceptance of democratic process to allow the opposition to surface. According Clark and Lipset (1991), “the key trends could be described as one of fragmentation of stratification: the weakening of class stratification, especially as shown in distinct class-differentiated lifestyle, the decline of economic determinism, and the increased importance of social and cultural factors, politics is less organized by class and more by other loyalties, the slimming of the family and social mobility is less family-determined, more ability and education …show more content…

According to Anthias (2001), “class approaches have underpinned, however, some of the most influential contributions to the fields of gender and ethnicity/race…Marxist feminist, for example provide a Marxist informed analysis of gendered subordination, often apply Marxist economic categories to what later was acknowledges to be an inappropriate object”(p.372). Anthias (2001) explains the ethnicity and class focus on the correlations of a particular ethnic position and class position. Anthias (2001) notes “ethnicity and class, when twinned together have led problems of reductionism…Marxist approaches may treat it as false consciousness, where the real divisions of class take on symbolic forms. Ethnicity may also be seen as being a way that class organize (not as a disguise but as a vehicle), in order to struggle over economic resources. Anthias (2001) writes that there are three dimension of social stratification the shows class, gender and ethnicity into an approach to social inequality. The first is social stratification is seen as outcomes that relation to life condition, how a person is positioned in a social relations Secondly, there are a set of predisposition that is placed for individual s with different realms of production (class), sexual difference (gender) and collective formations (ethnicity). Lastly, the dimension of collective allegiances that helps

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