Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Volume of a Gas

656 Words2 Pages

Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Volume of a Gas

Aim: To investigate the effect of temperature on the volume of a gas,

given that the pressure acting on the gas is fixed.

Hypothesis: According to CharlesÂ’s Law, the volume of a given amount

of gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature when the

pressure is constant. Thus, it is expected that as the temperature of

the gas increases, its volume will increase also at a constant rate.

When the temperature is increased, the particles in the gas gain more

kinetic energy and as a result, the particles move faster and quicker

and thus, the particles bombard each other more frequently. Because of

this, the pressure exerted by the gas on its surroundings increase,

creating an increase in the volume of the gas.


* Input(Independent): Temperature T/°C

* Output(dependent): length of air column, L/cm

* Controlled Variables: pressure and mass of gas inside capillary


Materials Needed:

Clamp Stand

Beaker 500ml

Distilled water

Bunsen burner

30 cm ruler

Concentrated Sulfuric acid

Glass tube

Syringe needle




* Heat the end of the glass tube so as to close it. The tubeÂ’s end

will melt and close. Make sure the end is blocked very well.

* Using a syringe needle, inject approximately 1cm³ of Sulfuric acid

into the blocked glass tube. Refer to the diagram.

* Inject the Sulfuric acid gradually, creating an air column as

shown in the above diagram.

* Be careful, Sulfuric acid is a dangerous dehydrating agent that

will burn your skin.

* Measure the diameter of the glass tubeÂ’s opening.

* Once this is done, set up the clamp stand and beaker as shown in

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