The Influences of Family Structure on Delinquency

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This paper is based off of the article titled, "The Effects of Family Type, Family Relationships and Parental Role Models on Delinquency and Alcohol Use Among Flemish Adolescents." All material that is written in this paper uses information gleaned from the article. The article discusses a study of Flemish youth and how different family environments effect youth turning into delinquents as well as effecting alcohol consumption. The article explains the results of questionnaire that was administered to ten different schools in Belgium which tested 1,688 kids between the ages of twelve and eighteen. The test included an independent variable, dependent variables, mediating variables, as well as control variables. The independent variable was used in this test was family type. Family type is categorized into three groups, two parent families, single parent families, and step families. The dependent variables consisted of delinquent behavior and alcohol use. The kid's delinquent behavior was based off of an eleven item scale consisting of common delinquent activities such as gett...

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