The Incredible Toll of 9/11

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September 11, 2011, started like every normal day in New York City. People rushing to work, children going to school, and people taking a morning walk or jog. But no one knew that this day would turn into a horror film. A terrorist organization call al-Qaeda hijacked airplanes and hammered them into the World Trade Centers North and South Tower along with the Pentagon in Washington D.C. The September 11, 2001, attacks changed America forever (9/11 Attacks - 102 minutes That Changed America).

The September 11 attacks were the worst acts of terrorism ever carried against the United States. Nineteen terrorists took over commercial jetliners and slammed them into two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. (The World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia, Volume 10, page 76).

Around 8:46 a.m., the hijackers from American Airlines Flight 11 crashed the plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The plane hit between the ninety-third and ninety-ninth floor of the tower killing everyone on board and hundreds within the building. The White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card tells President George W. Bush that a plane has hit the World Trade Center. He was visiting a school in Sarasota, Florida (9/11 MEMORIAL - September 11 Attack Timeline pages 10-11,13). Around 8:59 am, hijacked Flight 175 approaches the World Trade Center towers. Once crew members and passengers noticed the towers, they managed to contact loved ones and authorities on the ground. To protect the workers in the South Tower, approximately 10,000 to 14,000 people started evacuating. Four minutes after the approach of Flight 175, it crashes into floors seventy-seven to eighty-five of the tower, killing everyone on th...

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...e attack. Also, the casualties caused by the attacks were staggering. In both instances, the attacks backfired on the terrorists. In the end, it is the goodness of the American democratic way of life, and its military strength that prevails over evil (Pearl Harbor 1941, Twin Towers 2001; Machiavellians of the U.S. bourgeoisie, page 1, paragraphs 3-5). After the towers collapsed, there was ruble and damaged objects everywhere. On the first day alone, firefighters and rescue teams worked for twenty hours straight, with only short breaks for rest (Williams, page 26).

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