Terry Doyle Review

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Book Review In this book Terry Doyle addresses the issue of improving undergraduate education by creating a learner-centered environment. The primary focus of the book is to reach the college and university faculty. The book is intended to give them guidance in how to get students to learn more and to learn it better. Part of the process to reach the faculty involves persuading the students that this learner-centered environment that gives them responsibility for their own learning is the best approach for success. The book provides the tools needed to understand the learner-centered classroom, and how to implement it with the students. In order to achieve success in the student centered classroom, the student must first understand their …show more content…

Students learn best when there is a direct connection between how they are learning to what they are learning. Teaching students to learn on their own is valuable to the success of the learner-centered environment. Having a prepared teacher that understands not only how to teach the information but how to teach the student is the key. Doyle offers many examples in his book to guide the instructor to present the material and transform the student. There are skills that the student will need to master to be successful. These skills include: becoming an independent learner; communicating with peers; taking charge of their learning; teaching each other; presentations and performance assessments; becoming lifelong learners; recognizing knowledge, misconceptions, and misunderstandings; learning to evaluate themselves, others, and …show more content…

They aren’t familiar with taking the risks necessary to take on this learning. Their experience in high school has been completely teacher-centered instruction and it is hard to let go of this old habit. Without proper encouragement and instruction the student is likely to fail and fall back into the familiar style of learning that has led to their current success. Without clearly understanding their role it is likely they will not succeed. This is a complete shift in both the teaching and the learning process and will take time to take root for both the student and the

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