The Important Aspects of Jesus' Life

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Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem to a virgin named Mary (Luke 1-2 New International Version). Throughout the Old Testament of the Bible, there are many prophecies explaining what Jesus was meant and going to do on this Earth. Jesus had to fulfill each one to become the Savior of the Earth. When Jesus was in his 30s, He started to preach, create miracles, and explain the new ways and rules of how to live (Luke New International Translation). The four gospels in the Bible teach us that Jesus never sinned, He was tempted countless or time, showed the people miracles, was tortured for everyone who walks on this Earth, died and conquered death for the people to Live with God eternally. What I believe are the three important topics to understand what Jesus did for us are His teachings, death and resurrection, and His return.
When Jesus was in His 30s, He started to preach to whoever would listen. He used the Old Testament and clarified the rules of the Old Testament. In Matthew 5-7, He clarifies Ten Commandments, and what different phrases actually mean (New International Translation). In Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus explains the murder is not just in the act, but also in the hate one person has for another (New International Version). Jesus states, “…‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment…(Matthew 5:21-22 New International Version). Matthew 5:27-30 talks about adultery and how even a look at the opposite gender with lust will make a person commit adultery (New International Version). Jesus explains how it is better to gouge out the eye that makes you stumble than lose you whole body to temptation and ultimately...

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... Jesus also states that He would never know the date t should happen until it comes upon Earth (Matthew 24:36-51 New International Version). There isn’t just a Earthly war, but also a Heavenly war where Faith and Truth conquer the Beast (Revelation 19:11-16 New International Version). There is good news that comes through Christ’s coming.
When Judgement Day comes, there will be a new Heaven and Earth and the old one destroyed (Revelation 21:1-7 New International Version). Satan will be defeated and the people who repented to God will live with Him eternally (Revelation 21:1-7 New International Version). In a perfect world where there is no more sin, pain, or tears (Revelation 21:4 New International Version). Jesus died so that we could be with Him and not in Hell. Jesus never had to, but He wanted to. That is how much Jesus loves each person who walks on this Earth.

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