Impact of Islam on Middle East

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With every culture there comes a point in their history where someone or something comes along, changes the way things were being done, and becomes a precedent to carry out standards which become a part of their antiquity. The Middle East has grown to be one of the most globalized nations based its people, culture and its religion of Islam. The induction of Muhammad and his teachings originated reason and alertness for major changes that would make the Middle East what it is today. The advent and the spread of Islam were the leading cause for key changes such as, the emphasis of religion, the importance of education, and, women’s rights in the Middle East.
Pre-Islam was a time of oblivion, religion was not the foundation which the tribes based their living off of, “their mental horizon was narrow, and the struggle for existence in their inhospitable environment was so severe that their energies were exhausted in satisfying the practical and material needs of daily life, and they had little time or inclination for religious or philosophic speculation”( Shaikh Inayatullah).They worshiped multiple idols prior to Muhammad’s forthcoming, making them mostly a polytheistic nation, it was not until introduced to Muhammad’s lessons through the Quran from God monotheism would be embraced. Religion grew into one of the most valued components of being part of the Middle Eastern culture, the relationship one holds with god is foremost among the things that will lead to living a fulfilled life.
Islam brought unity to the Middle Eastern culture. Converting to Islam signifies complete submission to Allah, and in submission everyone becomes equal. It is a foolish act to think or see yourself as greater than or better than the next person, an exa...

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... business women who traveled for work, a privilege that was not given to most women before Islam. Women’s rights saw major advancements with Muhammad as leader, he married women of all classes after Kadijah’s traded them with much respect.

Though Islam brought many changes for women in many parts of the Middle East today women rights are still oppressed by tyrannical political leaders who have taken Islamic law and translated them to their own liking.
Islam changed the face of the Middle East by applying methods of unity through religion, advancement of education, and by giving women a place in their society. These changes all lent a hand in making the Middle East what it has become today, a culture full of people who are devoted to becoming better and is full of diversity with people from all walks of life who have all come to serve the same purpose though Islam.

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