Dominican Immigration Essay

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When it comes to immigration many things comes to a person mind. There are many things that an immigrant faces when he/she decides to migrate to another country. For instance, for an immigrant moving is not an easy thing to do they will have to leave everything behind and start over again in a whole different country than their own native country. At first is going to be hard because they do not know anyone, they do not speak the language. The parents will have to look for a house and also look for a job to support their family and learn how to survive in what seems like a different world. These are some of the problems that immigrants face when coming to the United States.
Immigrants come to this country for a better life and future. For
In the Dominican Republic has many economic factors and it is very difficult for Dominican families to find work to support their families and provide them with the necessary things that they need. Due to this lack of economic resources in many cases is why many Dominicans robbed convenience stores, steal food from farms, ect…. just to feed their families. Many Dominicans have been struggling in their native country and due to this struggle they have been forced to do bad things to afford food for their families. Many have robbed bodegas (comer stores) for the basics that they need to eat just for one day. They have also been to the country side and steal vegetables, rice, animals, and other things to support their families. Many have also been arrested due to this delinquency but the government fails to see that our country needs more resources to keep citizens from commuting the crimes that they are committing just to support their families and not starve to death like it has happened too
Education is everything to many immigrants because since those immigrants didn’t have a proper education in their native countries they want their kids to have the best education and they want to be able to provide their kids with that at least. For many immigrants an education is all that they want for their kids to become successful since they weren’t given that opportunity they want to give it to their kids. Like people say “you can lose everything but one thing that you will never lose is the education that you was taught.” Others also come for the health care benefits that they are given in

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