American Ideals

593 Words2 Pages

When American Congress passed the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment, African Americans rejoiced everywhere. It equalized their rights with everybody else’s rights. These were the first steps in African American freedom. After the civil war happened, American needed to be rebuilt from all the losses and damages. A big part of being rebuilt was passing the Thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment. These amendments were known as the Reconstruction amendments. These amendments benefited former slaves, and everybody of a different race or color. It granted them, Liberty, equality, and rights. The thirteenth amendment connects to liberty because it freed the slaves. The fourteenth amendment connects to equality because it granted citizens an equal protection of laws. The fifteenth amendment connects to rights because it gave everybody the right to vote, regardless of race or color. The thirteenth amendment, which was the first of the three reconstructing amendments, was ratified in 1865 rights after the civil war ended. The north had already freed slaves from the em...

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