Am I A Sane Girl In A Insane World?

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Am I a sane girl in an insane world, or an insane girl in a sane world?
I’m still trying to figure this out. And so they locked me up inside this limbo of a center. But fear not, I still have my imagination. At least, that’s what I call it.
I see the white fur thing of a rabbit baiting me to follow him daily. His anxiety for time startles me day and night. He screams and screams until I follow him to unknown places. And when I do go with him, I rarely ever come back. It’s like a dream I never wake up from. I’m still learning how to wake up.
It’s like a deep, dark, black hole. I’m falling and falling for what seems like forever. But eventually, I meet a hallway full of doors. The doors are endless and the hallway goes on forever, but there …show more content…

They scream as well, over and over and over again.
They won’t stop screaming until one of them is chosen and drunk and I shrink down into this miniscule of a thing.
As I enter through the small door, a cake falls into the palms of my hands like a precious baby. I don 't know what compelled me to, but I eat it. The whole thing. I engulf it like the ocean invades the beach on a windy day. This time, instead of shrinking, I grow into this monstrous giant. At this point, I couldn’t take the confusion anymore. I cry and cry and cry and make an ocean of my tears. I cry so much that my tears overcome me and drag me down. I shrink as the salty water forces itself down my throat and I am drowning. I let myself drown and wander through the darkness until I am washed onto the shore.
This is where I am reunited with the white rabbit that still screams at me.

They don’t seem to notice the creepy smile, so I introduced myself to them.
“Hello, I am…” I say as I trail of into a deep thought. Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?
The woman looks at me into a deep disgust and hands me her baby without the word. The cook never looks at me, and continues to put a copious amount of pepper into a soup he is preparing. I look down into my arms to observe this newborn child. It was never a child, but a pig. This was even too insane for me. I leave the pig behind with the cook and venture back off again into the forest, where that big grin greets me again. The grin shows itself little by little, revealing it’s cat-like body.
“Are you mad? Are you mad? Are you mad?” says the cat. “Because, we’re all mad here. Even you.”
I am mad. I am insane. I am insane in an insane world.
No. I am sane in an insane world.
Yes. This has to be it.
The cat directs me through the thick forest and into a clearing where another house where a tea party is occurring. I curtsy to the cat to show my gratitude, and he disappears along with his

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