Human Social Perception

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Background Survey

Human social perception is a subject that has received a significant level of attention and whose occurrence continues to interest scientists and psychologists. How we perceive others is dependent on a significant number of factors; which are classified as internal and external. This was established through a study by Dewaele and Furnham (2010) which sought to study the personality and speech production among learners who are studying second language. The article had strengths in that it established the effect of voice on perception. This means that the findings of the study can be used by learners to critically examine how perception based on voice or speech occurs and is therefore relevant to this paper. A weakness is identified in that the system used did not make use of a control experiment to determine whether perceptions were different among those who were learning language as opposed to those who already knew it.

In an article written by Klaus and Ursula Scherer (1981), it was evident that all human beings tend to categorize others on the basis of behavior including sociable versus withdrawn, stable versus neurotic, cautious versus reckless and so forth. They further identify that this is a naturally occurring phenomena for any layman, even though they may not use the word personality as it is used in psychology. Psychologists on the other hand have identified behavior constructs that underlie perception and showed that people are likely to classify people in terms of their speech behavior. This is justified by the fact that personality mostly manifests itself to behavior which is subject to little external restrictions. In the case of verbal aspects for example, certain aspects are viewed to have limit...

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...abled computer mediated communication which is highly useful everyday life applications such as in healthcare applications.

The strengths of this article include the ability to effectively take the reader through the process of using SSP in linking human behavior to computers based applications; which is a development in the field of artificial intelligence. It provides knowledge on how computer mediated information can be useful in daily applications such as in healthcare. The article further provides recommendations on future uses of SSP such as the use of multimedia indexing and space and environment in the expression of social relational messages. A weakness in this paper is that it does not provide information on the number of sample voices to be used in coming up with the program. The procedure given seems to be too general and this could cause ambiguity.

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