How The Media Works And The Technologies Used

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 How the Media Works and the Technologies Used

Reality TV is everywhere you look these days. PBS from MTV stations everywhere, you see, you see real people put you or I do not usually put themselves into situations. Most Americans are addicted to Goss normal in these exceptional circumstances.
Surprisingly, these simple television program has invaded our daily television program. Instead of sitting down, watching carefully constructed plot, map out every detail we now adjust to the unpredictability, this is reality TV. Surprisingly, such a simple idea, creating such a huge fan base.
Made to go through a lot of work to pick you and I like to see so many ordinary everyday people. After all producers casting call, they pick who they think the audience will respond. They are looking for people, we can identify with the same gender and background, you 're still a person we are going to agree. They are very hard to pick one, this will be reflected in today 's society. Most programs have an even number of men and women, at least a few, at least one person who is gay. ...

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