Reflection Paper

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During this writing process, I have developed myself into a more understandable writer. Growing up, writing has been something I struggled with and had a hard time developing great pieces to. Being in this class, I can say over the course of weeks I’ve had the opportunity to see how much writing can describe a person physically, mentally, and emotionally. In this writing, I will be exploring more of how important writing is and how much of an impact it has had on me. To begin with, I have learned a lot about writing in general. In my opinion, writing is an opportunity where a person is able to lay their thoughts, ideas, and opinions on paper to develop great pieces where its giving them the opportunity to argue, describe, or explain something. …show more content…

According to Writing is and Isn’t, it says that students believe that the purpose of writing in the classroom is just to pass test (Anderson, 12). This particular statement gives the readers and understanding that the students are going to present their greatest work, but present a great work that is going to get him/her enough credit to pass. Have my opinion on writing; I find it easier to write about whatever may be on my mind because writing to a particular topic doesn’t develop an interest from me unless the topic is interesting. When it comes to teaching writing, I can honestly say teaching writing would be something that would be very interesting. See how much important writing is, I understand how much a teacher has to push students to write. When writing students should be provide a great amount of time to express them because it may take a while for the students to decide what particular things he/she is going to write about. According to “The Art of Doing”, it says providing the student time to write will help us as teachers “facilitate the students writing identities and their literacy growth, because they will come to depend on, plan for, and think about their

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