Personal Narrative Essay: How I Changed My Life

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We all have those days where we feel so hopeless or unable to do anything right. We have all felt that we couldn’t finish school or other life challenges. We question everything about life, that’s what happened with me. I had never had a normal life and now it takes a turn for the worse. I grew up under the circumstances that forced me to become more responsible and mature, which has enabled me to succeed later in life. There is a little blue house on the south side of town. All the walls are white with cream colored carpet. There’s a park nearby with lots of people around, these people come from all different cultures and backgrounds. I’m one of those people with a different kind of growing up. It was around 11:00 pm during the spring on a school night, and I was working hard on my science project and paper. This paper had a lot of research and so much work to be done. I didn’t know if I was going to finish or if I was going to have a failing grade. All that I …show more content…

My mother’s name is Janae. She is a bigger woman with freckles all over her face and arms. Janae is a woman with poor judgement. She a good person but she would always put me on a pedestal. This pedestal was where Janae lived her dream life though. After being left by her husband, Janae flipped from bring a good mom into a teenager that could do whatever she wanted. She forgot all responsibilities that a mother had. She stayed out many hours of the night and the parties she had were endless to me. I was caring for my four younger siblings and going to school. I knew that it was a lot but I couldn’t stand watching my sisters doing anything alone. I wanted them to succeed in school and hid them from the truth. I knew that hiding the truth from them was wrong but I wanted my sisters to know their parents as loving and caring and not what they were truly

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