Effects Of Spanish Architecture

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How does the Spanish building bubble affect the Spanish architecture? Explain, giving reference to the current economy.
Spain is renowned worldwide for its architects & architecture. Architecture throughout the years has changed dramatically though Spain. There has been styles such as Mudejar Style, Romanesque Spanish Architecture, Gothic Spanish Architecture & Renaissance Spanish Architecture. Prehistoric Spanish Architecture first started back in 4000bc, when the first people choose to settle on the land, where today Spain has been built. They started to build shelter for themselves using stone. The first shelters can still be found today near to the city of Antequerra, near Malaga. Roman Spanish Architecture is one of the most known, and famous types of architecture throughout Spain currently. The Romans conquered the Spanish peninsular and with them they brought their extensive knowledge of civil engineering with them. They first started off to build roads through Spain, which linked many of the major …show more content…

Spain has been hit massively with unemployment, due to the economy collapsing. This could have a detrimental effect on the future architecture within the city, due to a number of things. One problem which may hinder the future architecture may be due to people losing their jobs, many skilled and professional workers may have been made redundant, which will decrease their motivation, and may choose to take early retirement. This means that future projects within the city, may not have as higher skilled workers carrying out work on the project. Another point that could affect the economy, due to unemployment rising, is the workers motivation towards the work they do. If people have been sacked from their work, and then get employed again, they may feel a bit weary towards the new job, and not push themselves to give their very best. This will in turn, effect the output of the work they

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