Spanish Influence On Mexico City

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Mexico which was the colony of New Spain was put in existence for the advantage of their mother country. After the tumble of the Aztec Empire, Spain retitled the captured lands as the “viceroyalty” of New Spain and governed Mexico for three hundred years. Tenochtitlan was the prior capital of the territory and turned into what is known as Mexico City. After studying and obtaining power over some of the lands in Central Mexico, the Spanish government established a colonial mining technique wherein gold, silver, and additional metals were obtained and taken to Spain. Shadowing the techniques that was started in Spain, the colonial authorities granted the new arrivals and warriors the power to make haciendas near the country. The laborers most times were native people that were paid poorly which made them rely on the hacienda proprietor to maintain a living. Some of the workers …show more content…

There were modern Spanish designs of towns that were created all over Central Mexico that assisted as business, managerial, and religious spots that drew in an progressively Hispanic and Christian population from the country. Mexico City was constructed on what was left of Tenochtitlan and turned out to be the capital of Spain’s Northern Empire. The colonial society was based off of three core groups which were the whites, castas, and local people. Each of these people had certain rights and duties in the colonial society. Thru the colonial era the relationship between Mexico and Spain was based on the viewpoint of mercantilism. Mexico was obligated to give Spain raw materials which in turn would create finished merchandise and be sold at an advantage to the colonies. There were trade responsibilities that consigned strict limitations on the colonial economies that secured the manufacturers and traders in Spain from the outside rivalries throughout the

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