The Pros And Cons Of Handtle Parenting

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Did your parents let you do anything you wanted, or did they hover over you like a helicopter? I was home schooled, as were all my friends, which allowed our parents to be with us all the time. Any get-together we had, whether it was a play-date or a birthday party, there would be a parent nearby. Even if we wanted to go out into the small woods behind their houses, we had to have a walkie-talkie with us. It felt like everything I did was being controlled. Therefore, I side with the free-range style parents, although I think helicopter parents have some good methods.
The helicopter parenting style is by far the most common in the states, yet, most kids hate being helicoptered. One of my friends told me it was as if her father had a collar on …show more content…

People talk about the potential for “crazy kids” and in some cases I have seen that to be true. Free-range kids are often on their own around town or surrounding areas, not at home where their parents can teach them the rules and scold them if they do something wrong. Also, sometimes Free-range kids aren’t as respectful and fail to follow rules. For example, my neighbors kids, who have three dogs and cats, are often outside alone. The two little boys, who are three and seven, often kick and taunt them. The dogs crave attention and fear the boys because of this. Thus showing, kids need an authoritative parent figure in their lives to show them how to respect other people and …show more content…

As Free-Range kids explore their community, almost without restriction, they develop self-confidence. Kids growing up in this lifestyle also meet many people of different ages, which allows them communicate effectively with people. Many helicopter kids struggle in this area because they are taught not to talk to strangers. This isolation from people can lead to issues like Anxiety and Depression. A research professor at Boston College, Peter Gray, whom Clemens Wergin quotes, says “We are depriving them of opportunities to learn how to take control of their own lives,” and believes that this increases “the chance that they will suffer from anxiety, depression, and various other mental disorders” which statistics shown have

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