Grit Argumentative Essay

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Is Grit Teachable? The definition of grit is simple; it means being passionate about long term goals, and showing stamina to pursue them, but should students in public schools have a class dedicated to a grit-focused curriculum? This has become a major topic of discussion among teachers and mentors. Angela Duckworth, a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, claims grit is not a fixed quality but one that can be developed. Many disagree with her statement. Grit is something everyone all have within themselves, but some just do not utilize this characteristic as often or as well as others. Grit is a puzzling concept. Duckworth has had an obsession with grit for over a decade. Her obsession started when she visited West Point, …show more content…

In dealing with a generation that has become increasingly motivated by instant gratification, grit has been brought to the forefront of desirable character traits. Duckworth mentions, “grit is the single trait in our complex and wavering nature which accounts for success; grit is the strong current of will that flows through genetic inheritance and the existential muddle of temperament, choice, contingency-everything that makes life, life”. As Duckworth previously stated, grit is different for each child and relies on the traits they are given. Your temperament, willingness, and motivation are chosen for you, but can be practiced upon. If the concept of grit was taught in schools, it would show tremendous academic progress and help develop a strong mindset for all students. Students who are dedicated to the long-term goals they have set are great examples of the application grit has in schools today. As Angela Duckworth put it, “Grittier spellers practiced more than less gritty spellers.” She is telling us that students who persevere and thrive can achieve their goals. Even so, the effects of grit have lessened due to the increase of poverty and the decreasing in moral standards because of the negativity in today’s

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