Why Is Got Grit Important

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Got Grit? Grit is a key to success. It is a positive, powerful motivation to achieving something. Everyone will face failures and challenging content in their life. Failure is not a bad thing, its help you succeed in life and learn from experience. Students should be taught to grapple with challenging content in their classes because it will help them to learn, succeed in life by rebranding failure and making students gritty. In order for students to face challenging content, students need …show more content…

In the excerpt teachers should admit something if they don’t know the answer to the question too,” If an instructor doesn’t know the answer, he or she must be able brave enough to say, I don’t know, but let’s find out together” (Ramirez). When a teacher shows the courage to admit something they don’t know it helps the students fear of failure to decrease and know that it is okay not to know something. This helps students to learn more and ask questions so understand. Not only will the perspective of not knowing something will change, it will also let them know there is no stupid question. Similarly, teachers should be able to teach them that mistakes are always a way to learn from, “One way to make kids more tenacious, the thinking goes, is to show the how grit has been important to the success of others, and how mistakes and failure are normal parts of learning-not reasons to quit” (NPR Ed para.11). Teachers who teach students with challenging content will help them in life to accept their mistakes and know they should keep trying.. Students will not think that failure means that they have failed everything and they are the stupid it will now mean a key to success and a learning experience. Lastly, when students do something that they normally

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