Reflection Paper On Board Presentation

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It’s finally here; your big moment, your time to shine. You shift in your seat, adjust the papers in your binder. The discussion in the background has blended together, inaudible to you. “Don’t mess this up”, you think, and reiterate a few more times in your head. The dull mumbles crash into full volume as you hear your name; it’s your turn – you’re next on the agenda. You swallow hard, you clear your throat, and you stand up to shuffle your way to the presentation floor. Before you, sit about fifteen members of your board: some men, some women, some young, some old, and all equally as frightening at this very moment. After all, this is your first board presentation. Hopefully, if you ever find yourself in this situation, you’ve done …show more content…

Preparation is the key word. Properly preparing for your presentation will alleviate most of the stress that you carry on your shoulders when walking into that stuffy room. At this point you’ve done your homework. You understand your material, you understand your audience, you understand your process, and you inherently understand your mission. Now it’s time for the concrete work. Step 4: Get your materials together Put together a presentation packet. The audience doesn’t want to come into a presentation blind, nor does the presenter want a blind audience. Talk with the chair and clarify that he will be receiving your presentation latest one week before your presentation. Doing so will allow the board ample time to read your presentation and familiarize themselves with certain points that they may not be so experienced in. Make sure that your materials are themselves concise and not too wordy. Make use of bullet points, graphs, and any other way to make large amounts of data more digestible. Step 5: …show more content…

You can rest easy knowing that you presented to the best of your ability and that the board will now take that information and make the best decision that it can for the company. Don’t be discouraged if the board isn’t swayed your way; a successful presentation isn’t often gauged by if you’ve successfully persuaded the audience – at least in a board room setting. Maybe the board has information that you do not that advises them against this certain decision. Instead, gauge your success based on the personal goals that you set for yourself going into that room. Remember, next time you find yourself in front of a board, that they are the one with the tough, stressful decision; you are the one there to ease their

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