Essay On Cursive Handwriting

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Leaving Our Mark

With the excessive abundance of technology available to today’s youth many school administrators are focused on teaching keyboard and technological skills, and therefore are leaving many children without the knowledge to properly write in cursive. Cursive handwriting is an important aspect of a proper education and should be brought back to the school curriculum for the benefit of the students.

As a child in elementary I was taught to write in cursive right along with basic handwriting, and It was a mandatory part of the public school curriculum at the time. Learning to write in cursive had many beneficial aspects for me as a child that children today need as much as I did then. Children need cursive handwriting because of the educational benefits it instils for a wide variety of students.

One reason children need to be taught cursive as a part of their mandatory curriculum is that it …show more content…

Writing in cursive helps children with motor skills by practicing the swirls and swoops of each letter. It is a wonderful kinesthetic teaching tool, and for a lot of children with special needs a kinesthetic learning technique is most beneficial. It is most beneficial because using a kinesthetic technique activates a part of the brain that makes retaining information easier. It is beneficial because writing cursive is a visual aid, and they are physically putting in work using a part of the brain that connects writing and speech. The connection between writing and speech is very helpful to students who suffer from dyslexia. For many people who are suffering from dyslexia the clear difference in appearance among the letters aid in a student capability to distinguish the letters, such as letters like “b” and “d”. The clear distention help students to associate the correct sounds with the appropriate

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