Why Cursive Should Not Be Taught In Schools

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What would the world be like if cursive wasn’t invented? Cursive should not be taught in schools. It is sometimes difficult to learn cursive. Depending on how the teachers teach and the age of the student it could be a very long process to learn cursive. You only really need cursive to sign for houses, cars, and checks. Cursive can be very difficult for some kids to learn. They can get very confused very easily because of all the lines and movements. It can also depend on how old the kid is, if he's younger it will probably be a lot more difficult compared to if he was older. Usually kids learn how to right all of the letters then the hardest part is putting then into sentences and being able to understand it. Students could study for a long time on cursive. It depends on how the teacher teaches and the age of the students. The brain is the reason why cursive could take students a long time to learn cursive especially if you are young and your brain is still growing. Cursive takes a long time to study it and learn everything about. …show more content…

You need to sign for a house, car, and checks. If you don't sign in cursive it is very easy to copy your signature.
Cursive is used for writing letter and signing for houses, checks, and cars. Cursive takes to long to learning everything about it and you only need house it to sign for check's cars, and a

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